
“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.”--Audrey Hepburn

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Confetti Art

I've seen so many gorgeous art pieces around the blogosphere and on pinterest, that yesterday's day off was the perfect time to finally do some crafts and try my own glitter confetti canvas.

First, I went to a craft store (Michael's) and bought a canvas, two sheets each of three different kinds of glitter paper (often found in the scrapbook section--choose whichever color fits your vision!), craft glue, and a circle craft punch.

 I bought two glitter "colors"--a true gold and one with gold and silver together.  This white paper with gold polka dots was so fun that I couldn't resist it at the last minute.

Next, use the circle craft punch to punch around the sides of the paper to make many circles.  I started scattering them across the canvas as if they were being thrown from one corner and raining down the canvas.

After adding a few more, I started to glue the circles, attempting to keep the look scattered and random.

I added a few more, being careful to make sure any overlapping circles had a bit of extra glue.  Finally, I stepped back and let the glue dry while I thought about if I wanted to add more.

And it was done!

Now the question is--where will I hang it?


  1. Love this! Wish we could have made them together. MISS YOU <3

  2. Love it! So cute. There's nothing like a pop of glitter to make you smile! :)

  3. Gorgeous I love it! It looks like it belongs in a dining room :) A sleek and sophisticated dining room, for sure.

  4. You're it! Come over to my blog and play along :) www.mysweetandsouthernlife.blogspot.com

    Also, I love this! I really need to get my craft on.

  5. Such a great idea. I've got a 24 pack of glitter glue just begging to be used for something like this! Thanks for sharing.
